International interdisciplinary arts project in deSingel
from Saturday 24th of August 2019 to Monday 2nd of September 2019
ChampdAction.LAbO is a laboratory for young creators, organized by Antwerp-based production platform for new music and interdisciplinary arts ChampdAction, and part of deSingel's International Summer School. Its main purpose is creation through means of communication and interaction between the various arts disciplines: dance, music, fine arts and others.
ChampdAction.LAbO is aimed at students and young professionals who already have some experience with interdisciplinary work and who want to create something with the other artists during the LAbO period. ChampdAction.LAbO largely focuses on interdisciplinarity and the use of new technology. Participants may propose their own projects in advance, of which a selection will serve as a starting point during the LAbO period: the emphasis will always be on creating together across various disciplines. During LAbO there is also room for new collaborations and projects, provided they are selected by the panel of coaches. Through short workshops and lectures on various subjects, participants are encouraged to leave their comfort zone every now and then.
On the evening of Sunday 1st of September, some of the participants are invited to show their projects during an exhibition for the general public. This performance is freely accessible.
In Collaboration with
deSingel, Sint Lucas Antwerp, Royal Antwerp Conservatory Fontys Hogeschool and other Art Schools tbd
14/08/2017 | deSingel Antwerpen | |
16/08/2017 | deSingel Antwerpen | |
17/08/2017 | deSingel Antwerpen | |
18/08/2017 | deSingel Antwerpen | |
15/08/2017 | deSingel Antwerpen | |
21/08/2018 | deSingel | |
22/08/2018 | deSingel | |
23/08/2018 | deSingel | |
23/08/2018 | deSingel | |
25/08/2018 | deSingel | |
26/08/2018 | deSingel | |
24/08/2019 | deSingel, Antwerpen | |
25/08/2019 | deSingel, Antwerpen | |
26/08/2019 | deSingel, Antwerpen | |
27/08/2019 | deSingel, Antwerpen | |
28/08/2019 | deSingel, Antwerpen | |
29/08/2019 | deSingel, Antwerpen | |
30/08/2019 | deSingel, Antwerpen | |
31/08/2019 | deSingel, Antwerpen | |
01/09/2019 | deSingel, Antwerpen | 20:00 |
02/09/2019 | deSingel, Antwerpen |
© 2004-2025 ChampdAction